In the event of a forgotten password, follow these steps:.
Still having issues? Please contact us.
In the event of a forgotten password, follow these steps:.
Still having issues? Please contact us.
In order to make sure that Joinitems is installed and working properly, check for a small ‘i’ in the upper right corner of your toolbar if you are using Chrome, Edge, or Firefox. If you see the ‘i’ icon in green, Joinitems works with that store. Available coupons are illuminated in black.
For Joinitems users on Safari, the Joinitems icon appears to the left of the toolbar. On sites with available coupons, a red number appears in the corner of the Joinitems icon, displaying the number of coupons available.
If you don’t see the Joinitems icon on your browser, make sure that you have installed the extension.
Now that you have installed Joinitems on your device, you can visit a site that has working codes, add products to your cart, check out, and enjoy! Joinitems will pop up to test for working codes.
At present, Joinitems only works with online purchases. However, there are certain gift cards that you can redeem with Joinitems Gold - Walmart, Target, Nordstrom, 1-800 Flowers, Sears, and Sephora - can be used in-store as well!
If your Joinitems button has disappeared, below are some troubleshooting steps to follow:
Let’s make sure that you have installed Joinitems:
If Joinitems is installed, amazing! You should check if Joinitems is enabled or disabled.
If Joinitems is disabled, just toggle the button to re-enable it in the same section. If it still isn’t installed, you can simply reinstall Joinitems. You can also reach out to us.
Let’s make sure that you have installed Joinitems:
If Joinitems is installed, amazing! You should check if Joinitems is enabled or disabled.
If Joinitems is disabled, just toggle the button to re-enable it in the same section. If it still isn’t installed, you can simply reinstall Joinitems. You can also reach out to us.
Let’s make sure that you have installed Joinitems:
If Joinitems is installed, amazing! You should check if Joinitems is enabled or disabled.
In case Joinitems is disabled, just toggle the button to re-enable it in the same section. If it still isn’t installed, you can simply reinstall Joinitems. You can also reach out to us.
Let’s make sure that you have installed Joinitems:
If Joinitems is installed, amazing! You should check if Joinitems is enabled or disabled.
If Joinitems is disabled, just toggle the button to re-enable it in the same section. If it still isn’t installed, you can simply reinstall Joinitems. You can also reach out to us.
If you have more than one Joinitems account and wish to merge them, you can follow the steps below if you have access to both email accounts.
Ensure that your Joinitems account has more than 100 Joinitems Gold. You can view the total amount of Joinitems Gold from your Account Overview page.
Send us an email from your original and current/latest email accounts requesting to merge your Joinitems accounts. Please make sure to specify the account that you would like to use as your primary Joinitems account.
Once we receive your email, we will merge the account that you do not want into the specified primary account, along with any accumulated Joinitems Gold. The secondary account will automatically be removed from our system.
Don't have access to your other accounts? Please contact us and we’ll ask you to provide us with the verification that both accounts are owned by you.
YourAccount Overviewprovides you a general view of all the activity related to Joinitems Gold. It is fragmented into sections:
If a friend of yours referred you to Joinitems but you forgot to sign up using their referral link, reach out to us with the email address of who referred you. Once we receive this information, we’ll confirm you that you have been matched up and tell you what an amazing friend you are!
We are sorry to see you go. As a developing company, we are open to constructive and positive feedback and would really appreciate any kind of insights that you can provide us. Is there anything we can do to win you back? Please contact us and help us improve!
The steps to uninstall Joinitems depend on the browser and device that you are using. Please note that the instructions mentioned below are for the well up-to-date versions of Windows and Mac operating systems. In case you have an outdated operating system, reach out to us for any additional assistance.
The instructions below are for Mac OS 10.14.4 and above.
Verify you would like Joinitems moved to the Trash using your User Name and Password for your device
If you are using Mac OS below 10.14.4, use the instructions below to uninstall Joinitems for your Safari browser.