With support for more than 37,000 shopping stores, Joinitems offers savings at a variety of sites across the internet. If your favorite store is already supported by Joinitems, you will see our green i logo along with the number of coupons available in the upper right corner of your browser.
On Safari, the Joinitems extension will show the Joinitems logo as well as the number of available coupons to the left of the toolbar while on a supported store.
Don’t see your favorite store? Send us an email with the name of the site and a link/URL. We will add support for your favorite store as soon as possible.
Joinitems works diligently to connect merchants with Joinitems members. If you are a brand interested in working with us, please fill out this form.
In case you need any additional assistance with this process or have any questions, please reach out to our Partnerships Team and we’ll get back to you within 72 hours.
Joinitems offers its members coupon codes across thousands of shopping sites. We count on our members to help us add codes that will help other members to save as well!
If you are using Chrome, Firefox, or Edge, you can directly add a coupon code to the Joinitems extension by clicking on the ‘i’ icon in the upper right corner of your web browser.
If you are using Joinitems for Safari, click on the grey i icon.
Once you click i, scroll to the bottom and click on the “Share it with the community” link.
Enter the coupon code, the code’s description, and click on Submit.
Please note that it takes a little while for a coupon code to be added to Joinitems extension. We have a process where our system checks the coupon code in order to make sure that it works. Depending on the store and coupon code entered, it can take some time!
You can also submit coupon codes via our website. Once you are logged into your account, you can see your personalized feed and view:
If you click on any of the sites on your feed, you will land on that site’s page. To add a coupon code, click on the + Submit Coupon button.
Provide us with the following:
Once you fill in these details, click on Submit.
Joinitems works diligently to connect merchants with Joinitems members. If you are a brand interested in working with us, please reach out to our Partnerships Team and we’ll get back to you within 72 hours.
Joinitems works diligently to connect merchants with our members. If you're a brand interested in learning about partnering with us, please fill out this form.
If you require any additional help with this process or have any questions, please reach out to our Partnerships Team and we'll get back to you within 72 hours.
If the store where you are shopping has a coupon that works on the products in your cart, then Joinitems will automatically find it and instantly apply it to your cart. If the site doesn't have any coupons applicable to your order, you already have the best price.
Have a coupon code that you don't see on Joinitems yet? You can Submit it directly through the extension!
If Joinitems isn’t working properly on one of our 30,000+ shopping stores, contact our Customer Experience Team. When you contact us, please provide details such as:
We appreciate you making Joinitems run smoothly on as many shopping stores as possible!
When you are searching for something via Yelp, Joinitemswill automatically let you know if there is a Groupon deal available at a specific store.
The green button under the merchant takes you directly to the Groupon offer where you can earn Joinitems Gold for your purchase. This feature of Yelp also reflects directly on the product page under the name of the merchant in the left corner.
Currently, this feature is available only for Chrome users. However, it will soon be available on Firefox, Safari, and Edge!
The Joinitems Ambassador Program is an opportunity for you to share Joinitems with the world!
As an Ambassador of Joinitems, you will be sponsored by us to post on endorsed channels such as Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, or blogs and share Joinitems with family, friends, and followers.
Every time people use your referral link for an appropriate purchase using Joinitems, you will earn $5 USD in your PayPal account. You will be able to cash out through PayPal once you reach a balance of at least $10. We currently operate in the US, Canada, the UK, and Australia.
Furthermore, only Joinitems Ambassadors can redeem Joinitems Gold for cash.
Apply to be a Joinitems Ambassador today, and start letting your followers know how great Joinitems is!